August 19, 2011

Medieval Banner

Hi All - here are a couple of pics of my Medieval banner which was done for a competition and display on the ATASDA (Australian Textile Art and Surface Design Association) stall at the recent Perth Craft fair - I didn't win anything but enjoyed making the piece back in June anyway the "shield" part is scrunched aluminium foil - painted with black acrylic paint and Lumiere's (Duh of course - you know I love them haha) ... By the by I am attending a 2 day workshop next weekend (not tomorrow.. it's the following weekend) .. .ATASDA are bringing out Sherrill Kahn from USA to teach - really looking forward to it - will try and remember to take lots of pics :-)

1 comment:

Tiger C said...

Good to have you back Britt and always good to see your work, you have an amazing range of talent.